About Us

Blossom Buddies is a group of volunteers in the south San Francisco Bay Area who recycle flowers into beautiful bouquets and deliver them free of charge to residents in health care facilities who need a little extra cheer. Recipients are consistently surprised and delighted by their bouquets.

Blossom Buddies has operated continuously since our founding in the spring of 2018. In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Blossom Buddies could no longer deliver bouquets due to health restrictions at the facilities. We pivoted to creating handmade greeting cards to cheer patients. Read more about the card project here.

Blossom Buddies reconvened in December 2021, once again creating bouquets and making weekly deliveries to cheer patients and staff. In 2023, Blossom Buddies delivered more than 2500 free bouquets.

How does it work?

Fresh flowers that are slated for discard are donated by grocery stores, florists, and event coordinators. Volunteers pick up the donations, usually on Monday mornings, and deliver them to our workshop.

Volunteers sort and trim the flowers, selecting the ones that still have plenty of life in them for use in bouquets.

Volunteers arrange the flowers in donated vases. Each arrangement is hand crafted and a gift card is signed by the volunteer who created it. The flower donor is also noted on the gift card.

Volunteers transport the finished bouquets to health care facilities. Most often, the bouquets are delivered to patients by the health care facility staff. Sometimes Blossom Buddies volunteers personally deliver the bouquets to patients, sharing a smile and a few moments of cheer.

How can I help?

Donate flowers or vases. We create hundreds of bouquets every month and we need flowers and a vase for each one!

Donate Flowers

Donate flowers from your special event.

Events such as weddings and other celebrations often include flower arrangements that are used for a short time and then discarded. Blossom Buddies welcomes the opportunity to repurpose your special event flowers into bouquets that will bring cheer to patients in health care facilities.

Contact Blossom Buddies (info@blossombuddies.org) to arrange pickup if you have flowers to donate from an event in the south San Francisco Bay Area. Generally, flowers from weekend events are still plenty useful for creating bouquets to be delivered on Mondays.

Donate flowers from your business.

Does your business discard or compost flowers when new stock arrives? Instead of discarding or composting older flowers, many businesses set aside the flowers for Blossom Buddies to pick up and recycle into bouquets for patients in health care facilities.

As a flower donor, your business name is

🌼 Noted on the gift card that is delivered with each Blossom Buddies bouquet.

🌼 Listed on our website. (See our list of Donors below.)

If you are a business in the south San Francisco Bay Area that would like to donate flowers weekly or occasionally, please contact us at info@blossombuddies.org. Donated flowers must be available for pickup on the weekend or before 9 a.m. on Mondays.

Donate Vases

We use vases that are

🌼 Small and medium sized (up to 12 inches tall)

🌼 Clear or colored, plain or fancy

🌼 Mason jars are great too!

It is helpful if the vases are clean when we get them.

Have vases to donate? Contact us at info@blossombuddies.org.